Hello dear readers...if there are any of you left. :-)
I'm finally back and ready to get blogging again. Things are really well. And to kick of my return, I have a list. Well, a partial list. It's my 30 things to do before I reach 30 list. I am nearing the dreaded 3-0. 18 months to be exact. Whew! My life has been really full so far. I've experienced so many different wonderful (and some very not-so-wonderful) things. As I approach 30, I want to push myself to do better, to be better, and to experience life a little more. As a semi type A personality, I feel like a list is the best way to make it happen.
Without further adieu, here is my partial list:
1. Build a great piece of furniture, from scratch (Knock Off Wood will help)
2. Throw a gourmet dinner party, with paper invitations and actual courses. My goal: 5 courses.
3. (edited for privacy purposes)
4. Two more stamps on my passport. I hope Greece is one of them. The other stamp can be a surprise.
5. No sugar/no carbs for 30 days. 30 long days. But it's more like a cleanse and test of determination.
6. Write a cookbook, to include a vegan section. I think it's a wonderful idea to collect recipes that are perfected staples for the household. They're easily accessible and make great gifts when they're in a cookbook.
7. Pick an athletic hobby and do it on a regular basis. Past hobbies include: martial arts, softball, aerobic classes, and spelunking. I'm experimenting with golf at the moment, so we'll see how it goes.
8. Write another story I’m proud of and submit it for publication. My last publications were years ago. I'll post them on here at some point.
9. Volunteer for a worthy cause. I'm looking into volunteering with Alzheimer's patients. I may add a few others.
10. Go to a palm reader, or a psychic, or a tarot card reader. I've always imagined it would be interesting to see what their "predictions" will be.
11. Lose 20 pounds. For real. (i.e. stop eating only brown foods and incorporate more fresh products a la Jamie Oliver)
12. Go to some sort of “pick-your-own” farm
13. Organize my life. Like a real adult. Organize all my bills, stationary, kitchen, etc.
14. Purchase or acquire items necessary for a good working kitchen--pots, pans, mixer, dinnerware, etc.
15. Go on an actual road trip to an awesome destination. Different routes each way.
16. Buy a house
17. Have better posture
18. Have a wardrobe only with pieces I love--let go of the things I just keep around
19. Set up an online vintage shop--we’re talking low budget, only filled with a couple of things that I would want in my house if they don’t sell (basically, and excuse to go to flea markets more often)
20. Help a complete stranger
21. Read all of Jane Austen’s books. I need to start on this one ASAP!
22. Grow and eat my own vegetable, fruit, and herb. At least one of each. Which is only difficult because I live in a tee-tiny apartment. I'm thinking a lemon tree, cilantro, and maybe red peppers??
23. Develop a respectable craft and gifting center in my home, complete with pre-prepared hostess gifts and accidentally forgotten birthday gifts
24-30 TBD
I have a few more spots for some creative ideas and some things I want to do but don't want to jinx by publishing them to the entire world. A copy of my list will be on the sidebar. Just to keep me on my toes.
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